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Our Tutors

Jonathan's Picture

Jonathan Tan

My Bio:

From young, I always wanted help people. Now, I'm helping people who can't keep up with the progress of technology, especially the elderly as they see it as no use. By making technology relevant into their daily lives, anything is possible!

My Skillset:

  • Using Andorid Phones
  • Basic Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 Operations
  • Social Networking: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  • Using Emails, Calendars and Contacts Online
  • Using Microsoft Office
  • Using Google Forms, Sheets and Docs
  • Internet Security
  • Resources on the Internet
  • Internet of Things
Marrianne's Picture

Marrianne Clarke

My Bio:

I have a first hand experience when my mother was resistant to technology, saying that she could never master it. The complexity of technology is essentially creating a "barrier" between the technology-savvy and the non-technology-savvy elderly. By reducing the complexity to master Today's Technology, i believe it will be natural for the elderly to learn and pick up on Technology.

My Skillset:

  • Using iPhones, iPads and iPods
  • Basic Apple Mac OS/OSX Operations
  • Using the Internet
  • Using Emails, Calendars and Contacts Online
Sarah's Picture

Sarah Sidle

My Bio:

Today's generation of Technology-Savvy people have the basic skills of technology, but yet their predecessors don't. The problem is that training the elderly on tehnology is to have patience. To most to us, it seems common sense to how technology works, but to the elderly they need to understand. With Step-by-step guidance, I believe, they can be on-par on today's technology trends.

My Skillset:

  • Basics of Information Technology
  • Using Microsoft Office
  • Using Google Forms, Sheets and Docs
  • Basics of a Computer
  • Basics of a phone
  • Internet of Things
Keith's Picture

Keith Cheng

My Bio:

Back in the old days, to commuicate means sitting down in a resturant or park and have a face-to-face conversation. But now, to commuicate means having a phone or computer to go on a Social Network and chat or Video call the other person. Of course, you could still have a sit-down conversation but the frequency of this is decreasing. By introducing the means of online commuication to the elderly, i believe they won't be lonely anytime soon!

My Skillset:

  • Social Networking: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  • Social Networking: LinkedIn, Facebook for Business, Google for Business
  • Using Emails, Calendars and Contacts Online
  • Using Microsoft Office
  • Using Google Forms, Sheets and Docs

Tutor Calendar

Calendar Event Colour Codes

  • Jonathan Tan - Blue Colour
  • Marrianne Clarke - Yellow Colour
  • Sarah Sidle - Green Colour
  • Keith Cheng - Red Colour
  • Public Hoildays - Pink Colour


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